The filter pads inside your ToxBox unit have to be changed periodically. For the cleanest air results, replace your pads every 3 months.
Changing your filter pads is simple. Follow these steps:
The filter pads inside your ToxBox unit have to be changed periodically. For the cleanest air results, replace your pads every 3 months.
Changing your filter pads is simple. Follow these steps:
1. Unplug your ToxBox filter from the electrical source and take it out of your furnace.
2. To take the filter apart, look for the pop-up pegs in the filter corners – there are five in total.
3. Pop them all up, place the filter on a flat surface and it will easily open.
4. Remove the old dirty pads – these go into the garbage. Be careful, as they are likely very dusty!
5. There are two replacement pads that you need to put into your ToxBox – one plain and one with strings on one side.
6. Put the plain pad in first. Find the power pack on top of the filter, gently lift the charge bar and slide the pad under, where it will sit underneath the charge bar.
7. The pad with the strings goes in string-side down on top of the plain pad. It should fit perfectly.
8. Take the top piece of the filter and place it back on. Close all the pop corners, making sure that each pop is in the “out” position (if it’s in the “in” position, it won’t go in). Go around the filter to pop each of the five corners back together.
9. Slide the filter back into your furnace.
10. Don’t forget to plug it in.
11. Once the green LED light is on, your ToxBox is good to go for another 3 months!
Watch the tutorial video below for a replacement demonstration.